This winter has been getting me down and I'm hoping the break of March is going to shake things up a bit for me and get me back on track. That and shedding the last of the baby weight from Baby G (he who shall be one year very soon and my excuse for fat is running out, unless I keep nursing him and use that as my crutch! lightbulb...)

While many fly off to sunny places and spend way too much money, we opt to frugally hunker down in our mortgaged home and make lots of yummy meals, watch movies, go to the local Provincial Park and/or conservation area (if this gal-danged winter ever goes away!), and maybe throw in a trip to the bowling alley and movie theatre. Hubby is taking the week off and will be on his way home shortly (did I mention that he works 4 hours away from home during the week and that it sucks? just saying).
My mom turns 65 this week. Taking her out for a lovely lunch at the local wood-fired pizzeria. Looking forward to their veggie pizza and a lovely (big) glass of Pinot Grigio :) Happy Birthday Mom! We are twenty years apart in age but seem much more like sisters, really. Hey, my oldest and my youngest are almost 21 years apart. It's true.
...and yeah for St. Patrick's Day, being that I'm part Irish and all. Time to stick some shamrocks in the windows and make some haggis.

Ew. Never. Ever.
Quote of the day:
"mama" boy child #7
"you are so lovely..." me
sniffle and sigh. Doesn't get better than that.
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