Thursday, January 20, 2011

So...I'm back.

How do you like that? Two posts and I disappear. sigh. Nothing interesting happened that would make for a juicy excuse for my absence. Nothing.

Baby G is now over 9 months old and lovelier than lovely, really.

University applications have gone out for Boy#2 (child #3). sigh.

I'm so boring. I got nothing today. Let me go chew on this whilst taking Girl#2 to the doctor for her mysteriously swollen foot; I think I deserve some McD fries today. yep.

Quote for the day:

Boy #5 (of course, who else?)

"I'm going to rub all the freckles off of your face" says Boy#1 to Boy#5

"even the one on my p#$@s?" Boy #5, very seriously

see? I got nothing.