ok...whoever said "Kim, you should start a blog" should now pick up the phone, give me a call and say "
what the heck were you thinking?! You can't start a blog..." I feel like there is so much I want to say, but so little motivation to say it. Walking hand in hand with that is the worry/belief/worry that I don't really and truly have too much that is too terribly interesting to say. How's that for a go-get 'em attitude?
What the heck? Here goes...
From where I sit today things are:
a little smelly (thank you boy child #6);

a little sticky (thanks armpit of humanity that I have chosen as my home, my sweaty little home);
and a little blah (it's August, enough said).

I am currently sitting at two smelly older boys still sleeping (at 2 p.m. grand), one older girl working in a lab, one other girl riding roller coasters in another country, one young boy on a date with his grandparents, and four other boys running about my house (o.k., three are running, one is nursing...right now, as I type with one very talented right hand).
The raw truth of my unemployed status has reared it's ugly head as of late and I think the idea of blogging has kinda sorta come to fruition because I have no career so dammit I will create one for myself. maybe. kinda. sorta. How am I doing so far? Care to pay me?
Since this is my very first post I won't pull out all my tricks at once; like fancy smanshy photos and such. We all need something to look forward to right? My hopes and dreams for today are a clean bum for boy child #6, a daughter who doesn't fall absolutely in love with roller coasters (ick), and a boy (boy child #4) who has had a fabulous date with his grandparents. and perhaps a semi-quiet afternoon for moi. yeah right. when I'm done fulfilling wish number one.
Quote of the day:"When socks get a hole in them is it there forever?" Boy Child #5 (4)
"yep, it's there forever. Time to throw those ones out" Me
with a quiver in his voice "...but I will miss those socks."
oh to have such sensitivity...I'm a cold-hearted sock-tossing bitch.